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A: Go to the Input tab at the top of the screen.

Under the Roster section, click the Edit existing button.

Enter your User ID on the top line and click Modify.

Click Agent Edit.

Make your changes and click Submit Agent.

Password changes must be made on the Clareity Dashboard homepage.

In the upper righthand corner, click the Circle with your initials, click View Profile, click on Change My Password and follow the instructions.


A: Go to the Input tab.

Select the listing to be modified.

Go to the Input screen.

Under the map, click on SET LAT/LONG MANUALLY.

Click and hold down on the pin.

Drag the pin to the correct location on the map.

You may need to zoom in or out on the map screen to see more or less information on the map.

When finished, click the blue DONE button.

Save modifications to the listing.


A: Lock boxes must be unassigned in your account at suprakey.com. You need to log into their site using your login and password, view your lock box inventory, and DELETE all lock boxes no longer assigned to your listings.


A: This usually means that lockbox is assigned to another listing in Matrix. Call your administrative assistant or person who tracks your office lockboxes. Ask the person to check the Lockbox Inventory to see where the lockbox is assigned. That listing agent must unassign the box by changing the show information on the listing to “other” and delete the lockbox serial number. You will then be able to assign the box to a new listing.



A: This is not a Supra issue. This is an indication that the previous agent has not removed the lock box from their listing within the WPML operating system. The only time a lock box is removed “automatically” is when a listing status is changed to “X” or “S.” A “W” status does not change the SHOW field. The office AA can run an inventory of lock boxes to determine where the problem lies.


A: Lock boxes operate on timed entry (in most cases). Make sure that you are attempting entry during the proper show times. Standard Time: November-March 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Daylight Time: April-October 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. If the box fails to open or you receive a screen display that says “searching,” contact Supra for assistance at 1-877-699-6787.If they determine the lock box is malfunctioning, ask for a REFERENCE #. You may then cut the box off the listing and send it to WPML with the REFERENCE #, a memo citing the issue, and the Office ID#. If you send the box in without the REFERENCE #, a replacement fee will be levied.


A: Incomplete listings save in the system for 72 hours.

A clock starts as soon as a user clicks Save As Incomplete.

If you make a small adjustment or edit the Incomplete listing and save it again as Incomplete; it will restart the 72 hour clock. This is not recommended however, as the list date is established at the time of initial entry.

After 72 hours if the listing is not completed, the incomplete listing will purge from the system and cannot be recovered.



More than likely you clicked on the X at the top of one of the boxes.

Look for the ADDITIONAL box on the home screen. Open it by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner.

Here you will see the items that are hidden off the home screen.

Left Click and drag the option out of the Additional box and it will reappear on the home screen.


A: Training classes for Matrix can be found on the West Penn MLS website under the Technology tab.  All classes are held at the West Penn Multi-List office. To reserve a seat in a session, please contact the Training Department at 412-367-5860 or register from the Technology page of this site. 


If your client clicks the link the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of an email sent from Matrix, it will disable their auto email search.  There are two steps to re-enable their auto email:

    1. Your client must send a blank email to optin.wpn@matrixemailer.com from the email address they used when they unsubscribed.
      **They do not have to fill in a subject line or type a message.**
    2. You must go to My Matrix, choose “Auto Emails“. Click on the name of the auto email (under Subject column) or the corresponding downward-pointing arrow to open the full options; then click “Settings“.
  1. On the settings screen, under your message, change the auto email to “Enabled” and click save.

Your client should now be able to receive emails from Matrix.


A: Users can access WPML information by opening the internet browser on their device and go to westpennmls.com. You can also download the MLS Touch app from the app or google play store.


A: Call Supra (1-877-699-6787) to change your credit card information and for all Supra billing issues.


A: If you get a new phone, install the Supra e-key app. You must then call the West Penn Multi-List office (412-367-5860) or go to supraekey.com to obtain a new authorization code to activate the app.


A: Your key and lock boxes use Bluetooth technology, so the key will work where there is no cell service as long as you updated it when you had cell service. If you have not updated the key and you are out of cell range, you must go to a location where you have cell service to update your phone.

Still Need Help?

Please call us at 412-367-5860.

Or email us at inbox@westpennmls.com


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