Free Training Classes
Free, comprehensive training classes are offered to educate broker subscribers, agents, administrators, and appraisers on the latest technology devices and software.
All West Penn training online courses can be accessed by clicking this link at the allotted time of the class.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 602-122-789
Note: the link and phone number for classes does not change. Simply visit the website above at the time of the class.
To view a pre-recorded training session, please visit one of the below links:
WPML Home Inspector/Radon Tester Video
Matrix Training Classes
West Penn Multi-List Inc. uses Matrix software which is compatible with all mobile devices and web browsers.
Matrix – The Basics — The basics of Matrix for a new user, or existing agents which includes searching, inputting a listing and more!
Advanced Matrix Class — An in-depth look into the Matrix system, including grids, adding criteria, carts, and reporting.
Administrator Class — A class just for Administrators including office-level capability and reporting.
Matrix – The Basics class:
- Wednesday, January 8, 22, 10:00am – 12:15pm
- You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 602-122-789
- You can also dial in using your phone.
Advanced Matrix Class:
- Thursday, January 16, 30, 10:00am – 11:15am
- You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 602-122-789
- You can also dial in using your phone.
Administrators Class: .
- Tuesday, January 21, 10:00am – 11:00am
- You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 602-122-78
- You can also dial in using your phone.
Tech Support
For Technical Support of our products, please contact the following numbers:
Matrix/Realist/OneHome/Clareity (833) 753-0555
Supra (877) 699-6787
zipForm Plus (586) 840-0140
ShowingTime (800) 379-0057